Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dermabond...the new stitches

So Monday morning about and hour after I dropped Londyn off at FUMC-CDO, I get a call from them telling me Londyn has fallen and busted her head and that I may need to take her to the emergency room. The on staff nurse was looking at it and trying to stop the bleeding. I immediately left work and drove the 10 blks to her school to find her like this...
Before the dr. cleaned it up

still waiting to see the dr...
all cleaned up and waiting to the Dermabond...

I have pictures with the Dermabond applied but haven't dowloaded them yet. I will post them at a later entry...

Londyn's first BIG boo-boo.

1 comment:

  1. I know this is gonna sound weird but do you have current pictures of how this healed? My daughter fell and had to have dermabond close the wound. I'm scared that it will scar badly.
