Tuesday, March 15, 2011

About my girls...

I will use this blog as somewhat of a baby book of sorts so my girls will be able to recall the things they were doing at certain points in their life.

Laykan...you are 13. YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!! You have always been a head turner. From the moment you were born, people have commented on how beautiful you are. Not just a cute little girl but "model" pretty. I pray you don't grow up to think looks are all that matter. It's what's on the inside. It's what God created within you...your heart, your personality, your love for others, your caring nature, your kind spirit. These are the things that will be important to you when you get older.

You just made drill team at Ramsey again. You are a Royal Blue for the 2nd year in a row. This is a big deal in junior high. I'm so proud that you aren't shy and will go out and perform in front of an audience. You LOVE to text, hang out with friends, go to the Monkey House, Facebook and dance. Justin Bieber is your all time favorite! Your room is covered in JB posters. You and I both love to listen to his music. You have seen him twice in concert. When he comes back around, I will get you (us) backstage passes. I love spending time with you. You are very smart (I just wish you would put more effort into school) and alot of fun to be around. We laugh and tell each other everything. Your freshman year is coming up and this is when it all starts to count. College is just around the corner and play time at school is over.

You have always been my world. It was just you and I for so long. I never dreamed we would have another little one in the house but we do...Londyn.

Londyn...you will be 17 months old in 4 days. You are a pistol. You have been talking since you were 5 months old when you started letting me know you wanted a bottle by saying ba-ba. By 7 months you could tell me Ba-Ba Ma-Ma. You are so smart. You will try to repeat most everything we ask you to say. You took your first steps at 10 months and by 11 months you were off and running. You amaze me and your sister everyday. You have a Gammy & Nana who adore you too. You love your Sissy with your whole heart. You have been such a blessing in so many lives. Sometimes I watch you and still can't believe you are part of mine and Laykan's family. You have completed our little unit.

You attend a Children's Day Out (CDO) program at First United Methodist Church on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. You love your "school". You are such a big girl. You never cry when I leave you and you always walk right in and start playing as if you have been doing it all your life.

God has blessed me so much by picking me to be the mother of the two of you!!!

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