Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend & Dog Ears...

The girls and I went to Lake Ouachita for the Memorial Day weekend. The water was so high from all the recent rains, not to mention how COLD it was. But that didn't stop the kids. They all loved tubing on the new tube Dad bought for them. It was a great weekend...spent with family.Laykan and Jess on the tube... This first night out on the porch... Londyn helping her grandaddy...

Laykan and B on the tube...

Londyn hanging out on the boat dock waiting to take off...

Londyn LOVING Aunt Vicki & Uncle Kevin's boat...

Londyn driving with grandaddy. We have pictures of all the grandkids sitting in

dad's lap driving the boat. This was Londy's year....

Laykan and Jess ready to take off again...

Miss Londy...
and...Londyn with her first set of dog ears. I love little girls with

dog ears. I look forward to many more days with this hair-do.

Friday, May 27, 2011

"Nerd" Night at church & Choir...

I think the pictures below speak for themselves. The youth had "Nerd Night" this past Wdcnesday night and these are 2 of my favorite youth in the world. Austin is a great kid. He and Laykan are great friends and so are Austin's mom, Sindee, and I. Sindee and I sercretly hope that Laykan and Austin someday fall in love.

This past Tuesday night was the last choir concert of the year. Actually it was the last school function for Laykan as an 8th grader. I can hardly believe she will be a freshman next year. She is growing up too fast. It won't be long and we will be going to her high school graduation.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Minnie Mouse and counting to 13...

Londyn is completely in love with Mickey Mouse & all the characters in the Clubhouse. She can name everyone of them and we can't go to the store without her spotting something with Mickey or Minnie on it and wanting it. Hence the pj's she is wearing. Laykan is as bad as her when it comes to showing me stuff with one of the characters on it and saying, "You should get this for Londyn."

Something else Londyn is doing is counting. She counts everything and when I count with her, she counts to 13 although she loves to shout "19" when we are done. She is the smartest child I've ever been around. It all seems to come natural to her. She has been talking in sentences since she was 1 and now at almost 19 months, she basically carries on a conversation with me. She amazes me everyday with something new.

Look at that little face. Thank you Jesus for picking me!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Rain, rain...Go away!!!

I'll be the first one to admit...I love a good storm. But after the one last night, God we need a break. I lost my Bradford Pear tree last night...

This little guy lost his life after my tree fell...
This thing came slithering out of the flood waters...

This is the view right over my fence. That is the raod but you can't tell because its all under water...

This is my front yard...

I took a picture of the flowers I planted last weekend for Mother's Day but it was hard to see what damage was done there. My landscaping timbers floated away in the flood and tall the garden dirt and potting soil I filled my flower bed with washed away. This left the roots of all my pretty flowers exposed. It's still pretty cloudy and overcast outside today so my plan is to get more dirt and soil and try to save my flowers. Thank you God for the rain...but please give us a short break. Thank you in advance...Amen!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend...

This will be a long post basically recapping Mother's Day weekend. It was a great weekend. Nothing beats spending time with my 2 amazing daughters as well as with my own mom on Mother's Day. So here are some pictures on MD 2011...

On Sunday we went down to my office and I took pictures of the girls.

Laykan LOVES having her picture taken and I LOVE taking it. She is so beautiful!!!

And my precious little Londyn. Thank you God for picking me to be their mother.

The picture my dad took of me and my girls...

Me and my mom...I love this woman!!!

We started a new tradition for Mother's Day this year...planting flowers



I love my flowers. I will think of my girls everytime I see them.

This picture was taken after our church service. It's my new profile picture on Facebook.

Before church...

Saturday just hanging out...what a beautiful day!!!

Thank you Heavenly Father for allowing me this time on earth with Laykan and Londyn. Sometimes I don't feel worthy of such amazing & beautiful children and a lot of time I feel I'm falling short of your expectations as their mother. I pray you continue to direct and guide me through this journey so that I can raise them to know You and love You with their whole hearts. I pray this in the name of Jesus...amen.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day Coming Up...

Mother's Day is this coming weekend. The best things I can think of to do on Mother's Day are visiting my mom after church and then spending the day with my girls. My mom is such a HUGE part of mine and my girls' lives. She helps me so much when it comes to the girls especially Londyn. Since the day Londyn was born, mom has been completely hand-ons when it comes to taking care of her. Some days I don't know what I would do without my mom. I love her more than words can describe. Thank you God for giving me the mom you picked to raise me. I pray you bless us with many more days with her here on this earth.